Belfast Telegraph
Belfast TelegraphThis article highlights the need for support when dealing with post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)
Motivational Speaker for International Conferences / Seminars. Top Team Briefings. Stress Management Training. Nationwide Employee Counselling team. High Performance Executive Coaching. Post Trauma Support & Management. Workplace Bullying.
At 10:05 pm,
Weight Loss said…
Belfast Telegraph... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was searching for work from home moms sites. I have a home based business and I wanted some ideas and tips. I also have a blog, it is it’s new and it’s getting better all the time. Have a look if you want, but I'm moving house and have not posted in a while. I'll get back to it soon.
My other site is a work from home moms site. I recently decided to build my own income and I thought I searching for tips would help me become a better mentor.
Keep up the great work Carole Spiers, I'll be back soon.
At 11:08 pm,
Weight Loss said…
Carole Spiers, you have a great blog here. Belfast Telegraph caught my eye and I thought I would put a post on it. I'm looking for help.
The site I have is a work from home directory site. Its all about, need I say it, working from home. I think people should have the choice to build their own income instead of somebody else’s. Freedom of well being and all of that...anyway I was on your site looking for ways to help my business. I'm really looking for ways of building better rapport between recruits.
Anyways Carole Spiers thanks for the great blog. I'll just have to carry on my search till I find what I'm looking for. Take care.
At 1:34 am,
Weight Loss said…
Belfast Telegraph... I've enjoyed reading your blog. I was searching for work from home in the uk sites. I have a home based business and I wanted some ideas and tips. I also have a blog, it is it’s new and it’s getting better all the time. Have a look if you want, but I'm moving house and have not posted in a while. I'll get back to it soon.
My other site is a work from home in the uk site. I recently decided to build my own income and I thought I searching for tips would help me become a better mentor.
Keep up the great work Carole Spiers, I'll be back soon.
At 4:17 am,
Weight Loss said…
Carole Spiers, why can't more sites be as good as yours!!! You see I am changing my life at the moment and I have decided to start a home job opportunity work site. I am trying to get inspiration so I can become easier to talk to. You site has given me some ideas. I talk to a wide range of people and I need to relate to everyone I come across so thanks for your posts! The title 'Belfast Telegraph' caught my eye so I thought I'd post on this one. Cheers.
At 5:37 pm,
Weight Loss said…
Carole Spiers, you have a great blog here. Belfast Telegraph caught my eye and I thought I would put a post on it. I'm looking for help.
The site I have is a home based buisness site. Its all about, need I say it, working from home. I think people should have the choice to build their own income instead of somebody else’s. Freedom of well being and all of that...anyway I was on your site looking for ways to help my business. I'm really looking for ways of building better rapport between recruits.
Anyways Carole Spiers thanks for the great blog. I'll just have to carry on my search till I find what I'm looking for. Take care.
At 11:05 pm,
Weight Loss said…
I was searching around for info on how to start a home based business. I found your blog Carole Spiers.
I was reading your post and believe it or not it’s helped me. Every tip I get helps, even if its just new phrases I have never used before, its helps me be a better mentor. This is my business link - business opportunity - check it out and see what you think.
Anyways Carole Spiers, you have a good site. I'll be back.
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