Managing Pressure to Achieve Excellence

Motivational Speaker for International Conferences / Seminars. Top Team Briefings. Stress Management Training. Nationwide Employee Counselling team. High Performance Executive Coaching. Post Trauma Support & Management. Workplace Bullying.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Flexible Working Cuts Time Staff Take Off Sick (from Guardian Series)

Flexible Working Cuts Time Staff Take Off Sick (from Guardian Series)
Absenteeism costs organisations on average �476 per employee per year. Much absence is stress related and it makes good business sense to support stress reduction techniques and educate staff about how to manage pressure.

News & Star

News & Star
Workplace stress is causing concern in Cumbria. this report from Cumbria empasises the need for stress reduction measures within education

Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Workplace bullying is a known cause of work related stress and subsequent absence from work. Tackling bullying and harrassment can reduce the cost of absenteeism.

The Cumberland News

The Cumberland News
if you suspect you have bullying in your organisation then read this article. Workplace bullying needs managing now!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Unhappy workers face emotional burn-out | the Mail on Sunday

Unhappy workers face emotional burn-out | the Mail on Sunday
If you are are suffering from stress and emotional burnout then this article is for you - Pharmaceutical Marketing - information for the UK and international pharmaceutical industry - Pharmaceutical Marketing - information for the UK and international pharmaceutical industry
Are you prepared for the unexpected? This article by Carole Spiers looks at the human side of business continuity planning and how to manage ptsd

Friday, November 11, 2005

Belfast Telegraph

Belfast TelegraphThis article highlights the need for support when dealing with post traumatic stress disorder (ptsd)

Media bullies under the spotlight

Media bullies under the spotlight
Is workplace bullying costing your organisation money? This article sheds more light on the subject.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005 | Society | Commuters 'suffer long-term bombings stress' | Society | Commuters 'suffer long-term bombings stress'
Post traumatic stress counselling and critical incident debriefing are all important for the victims of urban terror attacks and violent incidents. This article throughs more light on exactly why we need to plan for the future.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

UK plc can't afford to ignore the bullies

UK plc can't afford to ignore the bullies

Make bullying in your organisation an unacceptable practice. train managers to recognise and deal with workplace bullying

Fear of confronting bullies is driven from the top

Fear of confronting bullies is driven from the top

Bring workplace bullying to the top of your agenda on Monday 7th November - designated Ban Bullying at Work Day