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Monday, February 28, 2005

Latest Stress News Updates 28.02.05

Stress Management for Managers
CSG is offering a special 20% discount on its forthcoming Stress Management for Managers public training course to be held in Central London on Tuesday 8 March. email to reserve your place …

The business case for health and safety
The Health and Safety Executive has launched a new campaign to persuade businesses that sensible health and safety management is not only beneficial for staff but good for their bottom line as well. A national advertising campaign is being backed by a new website on which the HSE cites a range of companies who have applied a managed approach to health and safety, and reaped the benefits of improved profitability. Among the case studies is one from Rolls-Royce who realised savings of £11m through an active absence management policy that achieved an absence reduction of around 15% to a rate well below the national average. There was also a detectable fall in the proportion of absence due to stress from around 20% to 16%.

Top 10 ways for new start firms to meet health & safety laws
1. Stress costs UK business £3.7 billion and 80 million workdays a year. The best way to deal with this costly hazard is to discover what is 'wrong' with the organisation rather than treating the symptoms in employees
2. Smoking-related illnesses lead directly to absence from work. 20% of workplace fires are started by cigarettes or discarded matches, so start planning now for new legislation due in 2006.
3. First aid. Think about having a trained first aider in your workplace – especially if you work with hazardous substances, dangerous tools or machinery, or heavy loads.
4. Noise and vibration can cause long-term sensory damage. Carry out an assessment of noise levels to identify problem areas, provide staff with protective equipment where required and find out how to reduce noise levels.
5. Maternity. Make sure you know the law about health, safety and welfare of new and expectant mothers; the legislation covering maternity and paternity leave; and rights for mothers returning to work, breastfeeding policies etc.
6. Do you employ lone workers? Employers should be sure that the lone worker can adequately control the risks of their job. Consider providing a mobile phone for lone workers and knowing where they are during the working day.
7. HSE statistics show that slips, trips and falls are the most common accident in the workplace, causing more than a third of all major injuries. Look out for hazards including floor coverings, uneven floors, trailing cables and slippery outdoor areas.
8. Work Life Balance. When starting a new business it’s important to consider flexible working hours and location, study leave, job sharing, parental leave, maternity leave and time off in family emergencies. Research shows you will benefit enormously from employee loyalty and goodwill.
9. Working Time. Anyone setting up a new business should consider how the work could be organised to meet the Working Time Directive for all employees. This covers basic limits on working time and entitlement to periods of rest, in-work breaks and paid annual leave, and restrictions on adolescents working at night.
10. Driving and transport at Work. Do you have rules for daily driving limits, training and licensing for drivers, the selection of suitable vehicles, maintenance etc?

RSI affects one in 50
RSI, or repetitive strain injury, is a recognised condition, which one person in 50 will experience at some point. The causes of RSI – which affects half a million UK workers and costs industry billions of pounds every year - include repetitive actions, force and awkward or static posture. Poor study or workplace ergonomics, job design and stress are also significant factors. Symptoms can include numbness, tingling, sharp pain, dull ache, weakness, loss of grip and restricted movement of limbs due to overuse of certain muscles, tendons and nerves. At its most severe, RSI can bring about a complete loss of use of the hands, making everyday tasks such as fastening buttons, getting dressed and lifting pots and pans impossible.

Lose 10lb in 5 weeks with thediet
thediet is a medically proven way to lose weight through staged dietary improvement. thediet does not require diet supplements, meal substitutes or body treatments. Lose weight, feel great and look great! Click here for details …


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