Managing Pressure to Achieve Excellence

Motivational Speaker for International Conferences / Seminars. Top Team Briefings. Stress Management Training. Nationwide Employee Counselling team. High Performance Executive Coaching. Post Trauma Support & Management. Workplace Bullying.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Brits 'most stressed out' in the world says new poll | the Daily Mail

Brits 'most stressed out' in the world says new poll the Daily Mail
Dont' let stress get the better of you or your employees in 2007! Visit to-day to see how we can support you and your employees with the management of stress. See our Train the Trainer packs at and visit our workplace counselling page at: Remember, you can beat stress but you may need just a little help!

Best wishes for 2007

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas stress busting tips

Top 12 festive stress-busters:

  • Plan the festive season well in advance - especially the cooking.
  • Try not to leave everything to the last moment. The holiday should be fun - not a trial.
  • Make a list of gifts you want to buy, and get the satisfaction of ticking them off as you go. Be sensible with your presents and don't get carried away.
  • Wrap the presents as you buy them, rather than leaving them all until the last minute
  • If you hate all the bustle and queuing, try shopping out of hours when shops are open late, or take advantage of the opportunities for shopping on the internet. Focus on the pleasure your gifts will bring, rather than the hassle of buying them.
  • Make some time for yourself over the holiday. Read a book you've been meaning to read, or buy a relaxation tape, switch off from the festive atmosphere and think about your body and mind.
  • At least once a day, think about all the good things in your life, instead of the 'not so good'.hold that thought for the day and you may even catch yourself smiling!
  • Make time for other people. Visit an elderly relative or the person next door, track down a long-lost friend, or give up some time to help a charity or your local community. They will benefit - and so will you.
  • If you're feeling lonely, make a phone call to a friend or even someone you don't know (such as the Samaritans who are on call 24 hours a day).
  • With the pressures of the materialistic society, remember that the best things in life are free. The scent of frost on a December morning ... the smoke from a log fire ... a walk in the park as the light fails ...
  • Cherish the time for reconnecting with your family and friends.
  • Don't magnify your problems by thinking that everyone else is having a better time than you are. The chances are they are not!

Best wishes for the festive season from all at The Carole Spiers Group - Telephone: 0208 954 1593

Monday, December 11, 2006

Mind over matter | Office hours | Jobs Editorial

Mind over matter Office hours Jobs Editorial
Workplace stress is known to create mental health problems and in this article David Batty explains that employers are not always equipped to deal with this scenario. The Carole Spiers Group specialises in supporting employees suffering from work related stress. CSG's nationwide network of employee counsellors have supported many employers and employees in dealing with the demon stress and have ensured that absence from work is kept to a minimum and employees are fully supported through periods of stress and trauma. For more information on CSG's services go to or call 020 8954 1593 to discuss your workplace stress issues


Stress burnout has been around for a few years but the full implications of the long term effect on individuals has not been fully appreciated. Read the linked article to appreciate the potential harm burnout can do and then go to to see what training and support services are available for stressed out employees. With the help of CSG workplace counselling services and early intervention stress awareness programmes you can insure that your employees do not succumb to workplace stress and related ill health.